Making The Most of Change™: How to Manage, Motivate, and Communicate
Change is a constant in the current business environment, and ignoring its impact invites risk. But a potential crisis, or unpopular development, can also be an opportunity. This case-study style seminar focuses on framing to influence impact and outcomes of change, as well as how to listen, respond to, and include teams in making adjustments and contributions that support success.
Persuasive Presentation™ Coaching
Conference room or auditorium? Roving microphone or podium? PowerPoint or conversation? A complex presentation must be carefully staged for maximum impact. We will work together to help you organize content and use strategic stagecraft for optimal effect. Each session is tailored to the needs of the client and includes a combination of instruction, presentation practice, and a critique of videotape featuring the participant. (Can be adapted for group delivery.)
Decoding the Gender Dialects™: Bridging the Gap
One key to best-practice communication management, both verbal and non-verbal, is to become more comfortable, open, and effective when working with the opposite sex. This practical seminar will examine both male and female communication styles, and assess how gender-specific characteristics can be identified, and either employed or avoided to best leverage careers. We’ll look at gender tendencies in verbal and non-verbal language, content, delivery, and personal presentation, and evaluate participants’ own styles.