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Self-Expression in the Workplace: The Case for Edited Authenticity
Recently, significant controversy and outcry arose when a Google executive lost his job after airing his views on the company's diversity...

Making Sure the Boss Is the Right Fit
Even the boss has to worry about fitting in at a new workplace. Jack Griffin, who started Monday as chief executive of Tribune Co.'s...

The Most Comfortable Pants for the Office
It is Monday morning. Women everywhere stare blankly into the closet wishing they could put their weekend yoga pants back on. Now they...

Persuasive Presentation: Bringing Content to Life
Comedian Jerry Seinfeld famously said, “Ninety percent of the population would rather be in the box than give the eulogy.” Although...

Natural Networking: Chatting for Fun and Profit
“Only Connect”.– E.M. Forster Networking. Everybody’s doing it: Or should be. Cultivating and maintaining a wide network of personal and...

Getting to Gravitas: The Business Sweet Spot
Joan Steinberg, Morgan Stanley’s Global Head of Philanthropy, was quoted in The Glass Hammer recently emphasizing the importance of...

Using Social Media to Advance Your Career – and Your Company
The numbers speak for themselves. LinkedIn is host to 107 million U.S. users and 332 million worldwide. Twitter boasts 232 million active...
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